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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
PINKOO baby oil +child 3
PINKY coconut oil 29
PIONEER oil seals 16, 17
PIU coconut oil +tree lamp 29
PKG coconut oil +coconut 29
oil 29
PMP oil pressure switch 9
POC parvati oil & chemicals 4
POLY KROSS oil seal +circle 17
PONNII samaial oil +flowers 29
POOJA coconut oil +trees 3
POOJA gingelly oil +flowers 29
POOJA hair oil +woman & ova 5
POONAM SUPER palmolein oil 29
POONAM brand groundnut oil 29
POORNATHA coconut oil +tree 29
oil 29
POPULAR coconut oil 3
POSHAK coconut hair oil 3
POSTINO groundnut oil +nuts 29
POSTMAN mustard oil +man 29
POWER oil +lion 4
POWER GOLD cooking oil 29
POWER MARINE engine oil 4
POWER PLUS fork oil +vehicl 4
POWER SILVER palm oil 29
PRABAL mustard oil +drop 29
PRAGATHI coconut oil +tree 3
PRAKASH coconut oil +tree 3
PRAKRITI'S coconut oil +tre 29
PRASHER 100% coconut oil 29
PRATIK pure coconut oil 29
PREMIUM COCORAJ coconut oil 5
PRESIDENT coconut oil 29
PRESTIGE almond hair oil 3
oil 29
PRIME cooking oil 29
PRITHI vegetable oil +oval 29
PRIYA amla pickle in oil 29
PRIYA citron pickle in oil 29
PRIYA gongura pickle in oil 29
PRIYA onion pickle in oil 29
PRIYANGAA coconut oil 29
PROMISE LIGHT hair oil 3
PSORIACURE oil +leaf & oval 5
PUJA refined oil 29
PUJA refined groundnut oil 29
PURECHOICE coconut oil +tre 3
PURON sunflower oil +flower 29
PURUSKAR coconut oil +flowe 29
PUSHP vateeka hair oil 5
PYARASAWAN pure coconut oil 29
PYROSENE oil-e 5
QUICK oil CHANGE +arrows 4
QURAX hairglow oil 3
R.J brand pure mustard oil 29
RAAHAT pure mustard oil 29
RABI GOLD sunflower oil 29
RADHIKA herbal hair oil 3
RADIO gold palmolien oil 29
RAHAT-E-SUKOON body oil 3
RAJ BRAND genuine teel oil 29
RAJ GHARANA RICE brand oil 29
RAJ REFINED coconut oil 29
RAJ SHREE mustard oil 29
RAJ amla hair oil +woman 3
RAJ castor oil 29
RAJ genuine mustard oil 29
RAJ genuine teel oil +oval 29
RAJ teel oil +horses 29
RAJA BHOJ pure mustard oil 29
RAJAT coconut oil +plant 29
RAJAT coconut oil +tree 3, 29
RAJAT refined groundnut oil 29
RAJDHANI LITE rice oil 29
RAJHANS amla hair oil +bird 3
RAJHANS groundnut oil 29
oil 29
RAJSHREE oil seals 'o' ring 17
RAKSHA gingelly oil +lamp 29
RALEX RPX engine oil 20W40 4
RAM BAAN pain drop oil +man 5
RAM refined mustard oil 29
RAMA oil seals +ovals 17
RAMESH coconut oil 29
RAMSON pure coconut oil 29
RANBAXY garlic oil 5
RANGALI GOLD mustard oil 29
RANGOLI palmolein oil 29
RANI refined cottonseed oil 29
RASHMI care oil +woman 5
RASOEYA agmark mustard oil 29
RATNA ANMOL soyabean oil 29
RCM health guard oil 29, 30
REAL STAR pure mustard oil 29
RECON cold press sesame oil 29
REDSTAR ricebran oil 29
REHAN herbal hair oil +woma 5
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